Robert's original home is The Artist House Bed & Breakfast where he lived with his owner Gene Otto and his annual temporary home is at the historic Customs House Museum. Robert was said to have been given to Gene by a Bahamian girl whose exact relation to the family remains one of Robert's many mysteries. Many believe the girl was the daughter of ill-treated servants of the Otto family. Speculation as to his creation include that the doll contains a crystal or was made much like a voodoo doll, thereby creating his evil entity. Whatever his method of creation, Robert is possessed and his ongoing activities continue to be reported to us.
Robert is one of our most popular tales and many of our tour customers visit Robert at East Martello for themselves.
One of Robert's favorite activities is to prevent his photo from being taken. Visitors have reported a variety of camera malfunctions and Robert's favorite trick is to black out his own photo, while leaving the remaining film unharmed. He frequently creates electric and electronic fluctuations and has been said to move his toy lion from one knee to the other and to tap on his glass display case.
The above information was obtained from the Easter Martello Museum and The Artists House Bed & Breakfast.
On a personal note, I have never had any problem capturing Robert's photo. Could it possibly be because I feel for him all these years being locked up in a case? Plus, before taking his picture, I treated him like a living being and asked him if I could take his photo before doing so.