Robin Shelby, Loyd Auerbach, Chip Coffey, KII Enterprises, Gotcha Ghost, Kathleen Cody, David Domine, GhoSt Augustine, and Ripley's St. Augustine thank you so much for the items you have donated. It means so much for all of us to work together and help out some of our favorite charities. Just a few of our charities are; National Voices of Equality, Enlightenment, and Education, The St. Francis Animal Hospital, Invisible Disabilities Association, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, and more.
The raffle is still underway and tickets are $2 each, 6 for $10, or 15 for $20. You can purchase your tickets in person at any of Pearce's events, or by sending donations through Paypal at [email protected] Drawing will be held on October 15th. Good luck everyone!