Well, more and more stories of jackets, dresses, and other articles of clothing have some sort of attachment as well. Could this be because more and more people are shopping at thrift stores because the “vintage” look is in and is more Eco friendly?
I have to admit, I love vintage clothing all of all kinds. I have my own style so buying used clothes doesn’t faze me, as long as it fits and can be washed, and suits my style, I am happy. I have yet to be the recipient of a haunted piece of clothing, but I do have a few pieces I wouldn’t mind attaching to after I die.
There have been a few people that have come to me about a dress or a hat haunted by a deceased relative and honestly it doesn’t surprise me one bit.
If you love the piece and if you want to release the spirit, try washing the garment in sea salt water or even sage the item. If this doesn’t work you can either keep the piece and deal with the spirit or remove the item all together. However, if you give it away, let the recipients know that is might come with a previous owner.
~Jamie Pearce
Founder Historic Haunts Investigations